by and about women
On textbooks in ONE'S showcase
gabrielle ganelle
(FEMALE HOMOSEXUALITY by Frank S. Caprio inspired the following from Gabrielle Ganelle who seldom "deviates" from fiction but couldn't resist.)
Aren't human sex and love intrinsic? Why then do some practitioners of psychiatry extract the sex; present to the reading public their cadavers and call it life? I say PORNOGRAPHY -this is the climate and the landscape of some of these texts. They appear to this reader a pornographic "work" hiding badly under the guise of science. Most of them describe hideously in detail the love play of sick souls who seem not to know the sacred meaning of love. Material seemingly directed to those perverted heterosexual minds that need the demented and depraved for a satisfaction that is not theirs in their own "approved" beds. (At best these books are more comprehensive than are the twenty-five cent pocket books.) The same printed between the covers of ONE, however, would be a heinous
crime; punishable by law. But because the makers of these books claim to know, under the M.D. banner, these works go on falsely in the name of science and as a detriment to the clean and healthful living of the major part of our homosexual society.
That homosexuality is associated by SCIENTIFIC MINDS with alcoholism, narcotic addiction and demented sexual aberrations of every sordid type seems proof enough of their unhappy error. It is stated in these books that moral condemnation should be reduced and more scientific understanding used-but it is books of this kind that undermine the security of the "married," (non promiscuous) happy and well adjusted human being that is homosexual. That a homosexual is "made" and not born or "born" and not made seems more a springboard